Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I Just Couldn't Stop

Sometimes I get so excited about a project that I just can't seem to stop making whatever it is I'm making . . .like these little zipper pouches.

You can find a tutorial on how to sew these little clutches in my September post, Got Zippers? . They were inspired by similar ones pictured in the May 2014 issue of Country Living.
When I saw them in the magazine, I couldn't wait to start making some.

But then the project became addictive.
 I started by sewing seven zippers together and, by the time I was done, had used 168. Each new color combination I thought up led to the construction of yet another little pouch.

Yesterday, after sewing 24 of theses babies,  I began to hear a little voice in my head repeating,  
"Put down the zippers. Step away from the sewing machine and put your hands in the air".
It just hit me that I had done it again: gotten totally carried away with a project.

Twenty-four zippered pouches? Really? What was I thinking?
Have you ever gotten carried away with a creative project?
How did you stop? Is there any hope for me?

This post is zipped to:
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
What's It Wednesday at Ivy & Elephants


  1. You're kind of like me with my photo taking Cheryl. LOL I can't stop some days. At least you've created something useful and lasting. I think they are so cute and colourful! Is it raining and blowing there yet? It's starting to rain here and it's very windy. We're in for a lot of rain from this system.

  2. That is so funny! I think the zipper pouches are so cute but what will you do with all of them?

  3. Yup, just as I're a little bit weird ~lol~ Twenty-four zippered pouches. Are you making Christmas Presents..or do you have a shop to sell them in. Sorry, can't remember if you have a shop. Anyway, they are all so pretty and unique. I'm sure they would sell well, and be well received gifts!
    xx, Carol

  4. Cheryl, hello. You stopped by my blog {The Starfish Studio} and I'm writing to thank you for the sweet comment. But secondly I need to tell you that I have been challenging myself to tackle sewing projects that scare me and that I dance around. Can you believe that one of these projects is the small, zippered pouch? I'm terrified of zippers because, oh no, what if I don't get it perfect? Well I think it was providential that I found your blog. I love it and am now a follower. Again, thanks!

    1. Hi Dana,
      So happy that you found my blog and like the zipper pouches. Don't be afraid...they are not difficult at all. If you can sew a straight line you're all set. You won't even need a (scary) zipper foot! Looking forward to keeping in touch,

  5. I once bought out the leftovers of a sewing room. A whole pick-up load of buttons, zippers, buckles and other notions. After crafting with them and selling them for the past few years, I was down to seven packs of twenty zippers and put them in my "Free" box in my booth. One lady was so excited and said she had a project in mind. Wish I had seen this so I could have shown her. With me it is bottle brush trees and tool caddies.

  6. You're so funny! I think I know what everyone in your life will be getting for Christmas! :)

  7. Oh, yes, I get carried away with things, too. Your zippered pouches are adorable! Maybe you could fill a few of them with special Halloween treats for the children in your neighborhood!


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