Thursday, July 24, 2014

Upta Camp

We recently returned from our annual week "Upta Camp" on Lower Richardson Lake in western Maine's Rangeley Lakes area.

Our Casita is small but has everything we need.

This was our 4th year at South Arm Campground, which is so remote that there are no cell phone or wifi services. In fact, to get to the campground, you either have to drive 12 miles down a bumpy dirt road from the tiny town of Andover, Maine,  or take a boat or seaplane in.
Our favorite part of camping is the people we meet and South Arm is no exception. The same families camp there the same week of every year and we've made close friends who we look forward to spending time with every summer. Our little group makes for some interesting campfire stories . . . there are teachers, bankers, a carpenter, a nurse, a surgeon, a commercial pilot . . . and us!

There are three sisters who camp near us each year with their husbands . . . we love being a part of their summer family for one special week every year.

Meet Laurie . . .
Teresa (on the left, with Laurie) . . .
and Rosalie.

Rosalie travels all over the country by herself in her "little" camper. Since her husband is a pilot, he meets up with her whenever he can, wherever she happens to be.
I think she's so brave! 

This year Rosalie, Hank and I decided NOT to go on the Sunset Cruise. If you missed my blog post about our narrow escape last summer, you can read it here.

Just to put our decision into better perspective, here's what Rosalie and I looked like when we "made landfall" after the boat ride from hell sunset cruise last year. Glad they added the "weather permitting" part this year!

We're lucky to meet such wonderful people wherever we go. In another week, we'll be off again . . . this time to Searsport Shores, our favorite campground on the coast of Maine and another place where we've made some amazing friends.

Looking forward to going back "upta camp" (a noun here in Maine) soon,


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