Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer in Japan

Last year, our grandchildren came to visit us in Maine for the summer and got to know many of our neighbors here in Applegate. This year they are spending the summer with their maternal grandparents in Wakayama, Japan.

As we know from experience, it's a l-o-n-g plane trip but it looks as if the kids had plenty to eat on JAL.

This is "Baba" (short for Obaasan, or "grandmother" in Japanese) showing Toshi how to prepare the cucumbers for sushi...

And Toshi enjoying a peach from the garden.

Taka loves to cook and makes a mean apple pie when he's here in Maine. In Japan, he seems to be enjoying KP duty...peeling a big bucket of potatoes...

And making sushi rice with Baba.

Miyo is helping Baba too. I love the little chair they use for her!

Taka's sushi looks...

oishii (delicious)!

After all that cooking, the kids took a walk with Baba and Jiji (short for the Japanese word for "grandfather", ojiisan).

I love that our grandchildren have the opportunity to be immersed in two cultures, and that they are fluent in two languages. Their grandparents in Japan, Umeyo and Tokuhide, are gracious, talented, funny, wonderful people who can teach so much to Taka, Toshi and Miyo.
And Japan...just beautiful . . . I still miss the noodle shops!


  1. That is going to be a really awesome summer for your grandkids! What a learning time it will be for them. Thanks for sharing the pics of their visit. Have a great 'rest of the week'.

  2. I think it's wonderful that they're growing up learning two languages. What a great experience.

  3. Cheryl, What darling children. I love the fact they will know two cultures.
    At show and tell, boy! will they have great stories.I wish I could go.

  4. What wonderful memories the children are making - and their sushi skills are rocking! Looks delicious.


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