Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Perfect Hostess Gift

Our friends, Anita and Fred, drove down from Pemaquid to spend the day at Applegate with us yesterday. It was their first visit to our "new" retirement condo and they arrived with a hostess gift.

It was a....


Anita and Fred are downsizing too and I had admired this little chair at their yard sale last month. Anita reupholstered it herself but no longer has room for it. She and Fred must have noticed that I kept going back to look at the chair and ...*surprise*... decided to load it into their truck, drive it to Falmouth, and arrive at our door with the most Perfect (and surely the biggest) Hostess Gift ever. I love how it completes the conversation area at the far end of our living room.

 As if a CHAIR wasn't enough, Anita had seen my recent blog entry about Toolbox Decorating and prodded Fred to dig through his workshop for this...

 another vintage tool for my the shape of an "L", of course.
It's already up on the living room wall.

So much for bringing friends a votive candle or bottle of wine as a hostess gift;
Anita and Fred have raised my social expectations to new heights.
p.s. Just in case you decide to drop by for a visit and can't decide on a hostess gift...
I really could use a new 50" flat screen TV!



  1. Love that chair and it's really perfect for your home. Nice gifts I agree!

  2. The tool is absolutely the neatest gift! Of course, the chair is pretty awesome, too! It's nice to have such thoughtful friends!!!

  3. well anyway the hostess gifts were a big hit with you. I love it when friends give me something I love and wanted
    the chair is cool and the l shaped tool
    I guess all of us our down sizing? well all of us in our 60's? up LOL


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