Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weaving a Wattle Fence

Last weekend I learned that if you can do this (and who among those of us "of a certain age" couldn't still make one in our sleep?)...

You can do this.

Wattle fences were used in medieval times and are defined as "consisting of rods or stakes interlaced with twigs or branches".

Wattle fences aren't as common in America as in England...except in Searsport, Maine, of course, where anything is possible.

Last weekend, we joined our friends Astrig and Steve at Searsport Shores to help them clean-up their campground for Spring. My friend Anita and I took on the challenge of finishing the wattle fence near the art studio. Before last weekend, I didn't even know what a wattle fence Anita and I were weaving one!

Thankfully, it had been a rainy week and there were plenty of damp fallen branches around the campground to use. Anita's husband, Fred, helped by trimming some of the larger ones for us.

 While we wove outside, our Fiber College friend, Alice, was busy threading a loom inside the art studio.

And while we were all weaving...
and posing with our finished fence...

Hank and "the guys" were felling dead trees...

Saving bear-bothered bees...

And cleaning out "Cheryl's Green Shed" for the last time (I hope!).

After a day of hard work, Astrig and Steve always reward us with food and wine (smart campground owners!) They built an outdoor beehive oven behind the art studio over the winter so dinner was homemade flatbread pizza with fresh herbs.

Anita took her turn at the oven...

While Alice and Astrig prepped the flatbread.

Is it any wonder we come back here every year? Great friends, great food, creative work...

and the ocean right outside our camper door.
We're weaving memories!


  1. wow! That's a great fence and it looks like a good time had by everyone. Looks chilly, but fun.

  2. What gorgeous photos of such interesting, fun activities. The fence reminded me of ones I've seen around traditional adobe homes made of ocotillo, so I googled it, and found out those are weave fences too! Who knew! xoxo

  3. I love those old wattle fences and think they are quite creative. It looks like you've had a fun weekend camping at the shore and being creative too. Hugs. Pam

  4. The wattle fence is so interesting...thanks for teaching me something new. Oh yes I remember weaving all those potholders as a kid....still have a few that I made way back then! It looks like everyone had a fun time....looks like a great place to visit!


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