Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Updating Mom's House #3: The Master Bath

My sister, Joanne, and I are updating our Mom's condo for her while she recovers from a stroke and thought it would be fun to share our progress. Here's the third installment!

We were so pleased with how the re-do of  Mom's bedroom turned out...the colors were perfect.

It opened up into the dressing area portion of the Master Bath, which was still done in her original 1980's rose, ivory and blue color palette. And it was wallpapered!
Wrong colors but great look...a vintage lace tablecloth as a shower curtain!

The bedroom paint was barely dry when we (picture two disheveled sisters with a bit of decorating OCD here) had a conversation that went something like this:

Cheryl: "So we can live with the bathroom the way it is, right?"
Joanne: "Yah, I guess so. It doesn't show too much...unless you look around that corner over there."
Cheryl: "Let's just ignore it then."
Joanne: " Do we have any paint left?"
Cheryl: "Plenty for a bathroom".
Joanne: "OK...I'll brush, you roll."

Before we could start painting, though, it took us two full days to scrape off the wallpaper...inch by annoying little inch. Mom and Dad had apparently not sized the wall before they put the paper up.  (As much as I love Mom and Dad, I still believe there should be  a special place in h*ll for people who apply wallpaper without taking a few minutes to size first. To me, it's kind of like "paying it forward"...an anonymous gift to the person who will someday have to remove it.)
But now Mom's bathroom is painted in our BM "Quiet Moments" spa color and we love it!
New bathroom fixtures weren't in our budget but just the fresh paint color updated the room a lot.

 I spotted this couch table in the "Pit" at a local discount furniture store one day and immediately knew Joanne would love it. I sent her a photo on her on her cell (caught her on the Maine turnpike heading to New Hampshire!) and she said, "Go for it", so back to Mom's condo it came. Turned out it fit perfectly in the outer dressing area of the master bath.

 It provided a focal point for added color and accessories.
We played down up the 80's chrome fixtures by going with silver mercury glass candlesticks.

(Oops! We will take the plastic off the new lampshade...promise!)
We painted the smaller toilet area of the master bath as well. It is so small that we only had one shelf to accessorize in there. Joanne used some of Mom's pottery with sea glass and a starfish to create a coastal vignette.
 The whole master suite is unified now and updated with color...
and accessories perfect for a house by the sea!

I bet you thought we were done now, right?

Nope! Stay tuned...

This post is linked to:
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Show Me What You Got Tuesdays at Our Delightful Home
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Through Life


  1. Isn't it amazing what a change of color and accessories can do. I'm going to steal some of your ideas when we remodel the bathroom this summer.

  2. Love teh new color and the accessories, so pretty. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. I love Quiet Moments paint color. My master bedroom and bath are painted this color. It actually changes its hue depending on the sunlight. Sometimes it seems a light pale blue, other times it definitely has a green tinge. It is always peaceful and comforting. Reminds me of sea glass.

  4. I must say a little paint can go a long way to updating a space. I love all these colors and would love to decorate in a wonderful spa/by the sea look myself! More?? can't wait!

  5. Oh it looks so pretty. I love a beach them and have it in our bathroom so seeing this one made me smile. The sofa table is really fun and beachy too. Did you tackle the kitchen too?? :)

  6. Hi Cheryl! You've done a marvelous job on your mother's bathroom and her bedroom, too! What a nice thing to do for her while she's recovering!


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