Sunday, March 2, 2014

Today Was a Gift

Mom was awake and able to sit up and talk today.
We all made the most of the chance to spend more time with her...
Kristen & Grammy:  Hand in Hand

Andi, Mom & Kristen

Grammy with Rob and Kristen Underwood

Mark & Joanne with Mom

The Whole Gang:  Cheryl, Robert, Andrea, Hank, Mark, Joanne, Kristen, & Mom


"Grammy" & Kristen say Goodbye
Each day together seems like a new miracle...


  1. This fills my heart with happiness for all of you!

  2. Great pictures Cheryl:) You know my thoughts and prayers are with all of you at what I know is a bittersweet time. Every day is a miracle and I know your all making the most of each one.
    God Bless,

  3. Thanks, good to hear from you!


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