Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The 150 Project #3: "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger"

Welcome to the "150 Project"...
One of my "Retirement Resolutions" was to get healthy...hence the "150 Project". That's my goal weight on Weight Watchers. Putting that number right out there keeps me from going back into denial. I was also a smoker. I quit in June 2013,  on the day I retired from teaching. Now that I'm retired, I hope to add exercise to my program. Posting my progress on the "150 Project " is my way of keeping myself honest, tracking progress, and, just maybe, inspiring others because...if I can do it, anyone can!

The song that's the title of this post, sung by Kelly Clarkson, is my mantra. It's even the ring tone on my cell phone! And, in my third month with my trainer, Ben at Body by John, I really am feeling stronger. Going to the gym isn't even scary anymore (well...except for "leg day" maybe).
 I thought it would be fun to show those of you who may have "gym phobia", as I did, what a typical training session is like.
And the fitness model for this post?
Well it's middle-aged "Moi", of course!
 I like the fact that the gym is quiet and non-threatening. I'm usually with Ben while John is training someone else at the other end of the gym.

The trainers push us to our personal limits...but not quite over.

 The music helps me keep moving.
(We seem to have negotiated a pretty painless mix of Beatles and rap.)
Doesn't it look like I'm having fun?
(Look at that face!)

Check this out:  "0" intimidation spandex in sight!
 And best of all, I get to work with Ben and John, two amazing trainers.
My DH, Hank, is training with Ben now, too.
 So that's it...a morning at the gym.
Time to give the sneakers a rest until tomorrow...
When it's time to do it all again!
“Don’t worry about failures; worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.”
Jack Canfield

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl, I think that is awesome, working out at the gym, and, you look great! Good for you and I hope you keep it up and get to your goal. It's something I wish I could do but living in the country and with less than desirable weather in the winter, I am avoiding it. Procrastinating. In denial. Whatever. I am looking forward to getting on the road again walking though even though we have a treadmill I could use. I've been ignoring that too. lol Thanks for sharing the gym pics.


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