Sunday, December 15, 2013

Too Old To Make New Friends?

On the "Retirement" forum at the City-Data website, someone asked whether it is still possible to make new friends after age 55. I clicked on the discussion and was surprised to read the responses. Many posters seemed to feel that it is difficult, if not impossible, to make new friends in retirement.

I disagree!

Meet our "new", and very dear, friends...Anita and Fred.

We met Fred and Anita while camping at one of our favorite spots,  Searsport Shores in Searsport, Maine. We had so much in common and had such a good time together on those short summer camping trips that they invited us to visit them at their "winter campsite" in St. Augustine, Florida. So, last week we flew down to spend a week with our new friends in a new place,  leaving the snow, and the fear of being "too old to make new friends", behind.

I hope I'm never too old to learn from and laugh with new people. I hope I'm always open to new experiences (like figuring out this Cuban menu with Anita)... no matter how old I get.

Our old friends mean the world to me...but so do the friends we've made in the last few Mary Elizabeth, Rosalie, Anita and Fred. I can't imagine not having each of them in our lives.

"Nights of Lights" in St. Augustine

What do you think? Do you find it more difficult to make good friends now than you did when you were younger? Does it still matter? Still being new to this retirement thing, I'd love to hear your experiences...



  1. Ah, you give courage to know that maybe there is someone out there waiting to make friends with me! I moved for work from my family and my few friends to south GA and am pretty lonely, thinking how hard it is to find friends 'at my age' of of 56! And how cute that my family are so near St Augustine?? They go up to the Nights of Lights every winter (my folks retired to FL and now I am getting to be that age myself).

  2. How fun that you have met new friends while camping in Maine and now have had the adventure of visiting them in Florida. I think that is great and also good to find that you all get along and share common interests. Yes, I believe we can make new friends at any age. It's good for the mind and soul to step out of our comfort zone and do something new. Retirement fun! Lucky you. :)

  3. Speaking of new friends...I feel really lucky to have made so many good blog friends over these past few years. Pam...I feel as if I know you well though we've never met...and Dawn, I have a feeling we are friends who just never had a chance to meet before. Thanks so much for your comments and for your internet friendships!


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