Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Images of Christmas Past


Feeling sentimental on this Christmas Eve day so thought I'd share some of my personal favorite Christmas memories...

Andrea and I with our new baby sister, Nancy Ann, on Christmas Eve 1952...

And the BIG year...We still talk about the Christmas we got our "Walking Dolls"...1953.
Nancy was walking by then too!

Nancy's Letter to Santa...1960.
She asked for Mr. Machine, a Barbie, and Moon Rocks!

"Aunt Nancy" reading "The Night Before Christmas" to Robert & Brian, 2001.

The way I'll always remember Nancy...
She loved Christmas.
My daughter, Kristen,  still believes...

My son, Rob...
and my "daughter", Tomomi.
I helped Rob hang his stocking in 1972...

And steadied his son Takanori after he hung his in 2005.
Taka's letter to Santa...
They don't seem to differ much from one generation of children to another.
(except for "Furthermore"???)
Grandson Toshinori,  "nephew" Thomas,  GrandsonTakanori...
 and sweet Grandaughter, Miyo Alice.
Cricket reads a story to granddaughter, Anna.

 As Hank and I finish the baking and get ready to pick Kristen up and load the sleigh for our Christmas Eve visits, we wish each of you a very Merry Christmas in a world at peace.
This Christmas, we are missing our friends...
Ron Lambert...July 5, 1943 - Dec. 19, 2013
John Goddard...1943 - 2013
I know that Nancy probably already has both of you laughing in heaven this Christmas Eve...or at least she's baking heavenly cookies for you!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post. Your sister looks like a fun loving person and I am sure you miss her dearly.

    My sister and I live about 1 1/2 hours away from one another and we do not celebrate the holidays together. Tomorrow I get to spend the day with her and my favorite cousin who is like a sister to me.


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