Monday, November 25, 2013

Small Towns to Visit #2: SunRise Corner, Standish, Maine

We were out for a ride yesterday and decided to pull over to photograph this old school house in Standish, Maine. It turns out that the school house, which closed in the 1930's, is now a shop, as are the original fire house and historic home adjacent to it on the two-acre property.  

Our unplanned stop was such a treat...we not only enjoyed the shop and beautiful holiday displays but we met Ann, the owner, who has made bringing SunRise Corner back to life her life's work.

This is the side of the old fire house. It's open as a "sweet shop" in the summer months, complete with vintage ice cream shop tables and chairs.

I liked the look of the burlap twisted in and out of the garland on the school house stair railing.
 I seem to be attracted to burlap lately.
 Inside the school house door, a formal portrait hangs incongruously over a foyer full of greens and berries. I wonder if this stern gentleman was the school's principal or, maybe, a beloved former teacher?
The old slate blackboards are still there, as are the oak coat racks. Both are now adorned with wreathes. Ann and her helpers explained that they are busy preparing for their Open House on Thanksgiving weekend.

Inflation has hit penny candy as it has everything else, but it's still fun to see all the old favorites. Remember the little wax soda pop bottles? You had to bite through the wax to get to about a half teaspoon of sugary goo? They're here, are Mary Jane's, squirrels, candy lipstick, wax lips, and hot balls. (And, yes, I'm old enough to remember when they were a penny each!)

 Next to the school house is the antique shop, which is located in a historic three-story Georgian home built in 1810. This is the side entrance...

And this is the front. Isn't it beautiful?
I absolutely love old houses and would probably start a collection of them too if I could afford it. (But how would I display them???)
For more history of the house and outbuildings, click here.
 One of the front rooms in the house still displays the original wallpaper.

Ann uses each room to display antiques, crafts, holiday decorations, floral creations, and gifts. It's fun to be able to explore the whole house. Here is the pantry...

With its original counter tops and drawers. 

In the old kitchen at the back of the house are oranges, spices, linens, pottery... 

And dried herbs and fruits, displayed in antique kitchenware.
 I love the color that's left on these old scales.

 There was a Christmas tree in every room, each decorated in a different color palette. This "green" tree was embellished with ornaments, grapes and ferns. 
We were starved when we finished touring Ann's shop/museum/school off we went to Cornish for a big bowl of lobster stew...perfect on a cool November day in Maine. Over lunch, DH and I talked about how lucky we are...we seem to meet fascinating people wherever we go.
I love to hear the stories of people like Ann from SunRise Corner


  1. What a lovely surprise to find these great shops in historic buildings. I would certainly love to visit them sometime when I'm down that way. I hope I remember them. :) I remember those 'coke' bottles candy. Oh the sugar I ate as a child! It's scary. Thanks for the tour of beautiful SunRise Corner.

  2. What a fun tour and post! :) When I was a young child, my grandparents "Camp" was an old schoolhouse in Clarion, Pa. We went there until I was about 5 or 6 and then a highway came through and they sold the place. If you picture up where the chalkboard and teacher would be, there were beds up there, and each little sleeping area had curtains hung in between to make separate rooms. And...while there was a kitchen, there was no bathroom...nope, if you had to go, you went to the outhouse in the back yard! :)

  3. Beautifully decorated building...

  4. You hit the jackpot with this impromptu visit. Thanks for sharing all the eye candy with us. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!!


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