Saturday, November 9, 2013

Acorns...Felted & Glittered

I've been having fun this week crafting with acorns...lots and lots of acorns!

I purchased a bag of felt balls from a vendor at Fiber College just because I liked them.  There are directions for making your own on Pinterest here.
The easy part was collecting the acorns...we have lots of oak trees in our neighborhood.
I learned the hard way that before crafting with acorns, you need to heat them in the oven at 200 degrees for two hours to kill any acorn borers that may be living in them. (If you skip this step, the acorns will get wormy...guess how I know?)

After the acorns had cooled, I sprayed them with a clear acrylic finish to seal them and add just a little sheen. (I used Krylon Matte finish).

 The final step was using a hot glue gun to attach the felt balls to the acorn tops.

I think I will use these as dinner party favors and Thanksgiving decorations. They are so cute and colorful that I could see them being used as jewelry and embellishments as well.
But...I couldn't stop there.

I decided to try coating some of the real acorns (pre-baked, of course) with Modge Podge and rolling them in glitter, twice. I love how they came out! Maybe I'll use them on a holiday table, wire them to a wreath,  or tie them on Christmas packages.
These little "acorns with attitude" were super easy and lots of fun to do.

Happy holiday crafting!



  1. These are adorable Cheryl. I love the wool felted ones as they are so colourful and perfect for Thanksgiving. And, the sparkly ones are cute for Christmas too! Enjoy the weekend!

  2. Cheryl I love the colors of the felted balls! Such a fun project and thanks for the info about the 'worms' ick!!!

  3. I had seen these on Pinterest, but thought that they would be so much harder to do than you describe. They are lovely.....I like both types. Thanks for the inspiration....and the hint on "heating" the acorns!!!! We have lots of oak trees here, too, so it looks like I'll be collecting acorns soon!


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