Thursday, October 3, 2013

The 150 Project #1: Are Your Pumpkin Treats Tricking You?

Welcome to the "150 Project"...
One of my "Retirement Resolutions" was to get healthy...hence the "150 Project". That's my goal weight on Weight Watchers. Putting that number right out there keeps me from going back into denial. I was also a smoker. I quit in June 2013,  on the day I retired from teaching. Now that I'm retired, I hope to add exercise to my program. Posting my progress on the "150 Project " is my way of keeping myself honest, tracking progress, and, just maybe, inspiring others because...if I can do it, anyone can!

The smell of Pumpkin Spice is back in the air again...tempting us to pig out on indulge in the annual fall pilgrimage to Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts.

 If the information on the links I found this morning doesn't give you a good Halloween scare, nothing will. Here goes...
Check out these "Fall Shockers" from the Hungry Girl blog. Did you know that a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte is 10 points? That's over a third of my day's allotment of food on Weight Watchers.
Now there's a frightening  Halloween thought!

Or this from the Huffington Post Healthy Living section...there's a video about how little pumpkin is actually in our pumpkin treats followed by a slide show on the health benefits of eating real pumpkin and pumpkin seeds..

I also found a fun new blog called It Sux To Be Fat (I sure can relate to that!) written by a fellow Weight Watcher. It features the Ten Top Weight Watcher Pumpkin Recipes...

So don't find yourself as forlorn this fall as this poor weight watcher...

After all, who wants to look like this by Halloween?
Not me!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you to be watching what you eat, Cheryl, and for quitting smoking too! You must have found a big difference in how you feel since giving up smoking. It is shocking the amount of fat, calories and sugar are in all these wonderful fall treats. I just look at the photos of them and cringe. The companies make things look so tempting and healthy when really they are the worst thing we can ingest, other than poison. The pumpkin people photo is cute. Keep up the good work with WW and get back to good health! Blessings, Pam


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