Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Letting Go

Change is hard. Yesterday, we officially passed on our beloved home at Winn Farm to a new owner. As much excitement as I have about our "new life" at Applegate, saying Goodbye to our old home was difficult. There are so many memories there...

 of little boys in apple trees...

and Grampas no longer with us...

 of roses in summer...

and grandchildren on Christmas Eve.

 Of being pulled in sleds...

and riding in Grampy's tractor.

Of new life and lost life...

And fairies in the woods.

Memories of hot dog days...
and starry nights.
Goodbye, grandsons in birch trees...

Goodbye cupboard door that Nancy painted...

Goodbye, birthday parties...
and Goodbye big tree.

Goodbye, Halloween in the Wizard's Forest...

and 4th of July in the pool.

 Goodbye to cake in the parlor...

and marshmallows around the campfire.

Good bye to dancing to Hank's oldies in the living room.

Wearing silly costumes in the yard...

And sharing ice cream on first birthdays.

Good-bye Trick-or-Treaters and old friends who lived next door.
Goodbye old house...we'll miss you.
But we know that someday soon, another family will make memories within your walls, and other children will swing in your maples.
 All these places have their moments with lovers and friends, I still can recall. Some are dead and some are living; in my life, I’ve loved them all. ~the Beatles
Looking forward,


  1. Aw Cheryl, you have some wonderful photos of great memories in your former house. It certainly is a beautiful and big house and no doubt a lot to look after, but, it was home to so many wonderful times with family and friends. I know you will be blessed in your new home too and will make some new memories of special moments there. Blessings. Pam

  2. Love these memories. Love always in your new home. Andi

  3. Hello Cheryl...I am your newest follower and I am also from Maine. I just took a look at your lovely blog and I have to tell you how much I relate to so much of what you write about. Downsizing and selling your beautiful home with so memories is not an easy task that's for sure. Been there, done that myself but I guess there comes a time when we know it's the right thing to do. I love your Casita...my husband and I have thought long and hard about owning one of these ... well that's if we win the lottery anytime soon....but I would love to hear more about what it is like to travel in one. It's nice to meet you and to know that you are also living here in Maine and thank you for adding my blog as one of your favorites. Your new blogger friend - Kathleen -

  4. loved your photo essay - I know it's sad to leave your home.... as much as I want to be rid of our house I know we'll be sad to walk away. Next spring we hope. We're heading south - and home to cross paths with you in Florida!
    best wishes - Anita & Fred


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