Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Amazing Women: Louise

I continually meet amazing women in my travels and I want to telling their stories. Each of these beautiful, strong, creative women is an inspiration to me and I hope, will be to you as well.

I'm excited to start my "Amazing Women" series with Louise's story...

I met Louise last week when I participated in Fiber College, a gathering of creative women which takes place every year in Searsport, Maine ("camp for adults"). Louise, who is from Maryland, retired in June and now lives full-time in her new custom-designed RV and blogsabout her adventures along the way.
Louise's RV is also home to her art. There is a hand-painted floor cloth featuring her favorite quotation from her mother. The curtains are made from nuno felted fabric that Louise hand dyed. Wall décor includes altered books. And since Louise couldn't fit a grandfather clock into her camper, she simply decided to paint one on the wall! Louise is also an expert knitter who is currently trying her hand at making "wise women" (seen above) and bookbinding.
Aside from her creative talent, Louise's story inspires me because of her positive attitude, confidence, and personal strength. As a young mother, Louise struggled to raise two very successful children (her daughter is also an artist) on her own.  Her challenges inspired her art...she shared that when she couldn't afford something, she would just figure out how to make it.
Louise showing her nuno felted scarves to our friend, Anita, at Fiber College
Louise's smile just draws people to her.  As we sat by the campfire, Louise said, "Every day is exciting...just getting up in the morning is exciting to me".  She is truly an amazing woman and I feel fortunate to have met her as we both begin our retirement journeys.
You can follow Louise in her travels on her blog, Adventures of the Geritol Gypsy. I can't wait to see where she's headed next!


  1. What an interesting lady. I love to hear success stories like hers. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cheryl I like your new series and your new blog! Happy to be following along with you on your retirement adventures!


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